September greetings! Summer seems to be lingering here in the Pacific Northwest–it’s a gift in the form of beautifully sunny warm weather and abundant garden produce. It’s been that kind of summer musically as well. The parenting years of being a largely stay-at-home musician are just about done, so I stuck a toe back in the water in June, July, and August to celebrate and tour Le Bruit Court Dans la Ville’s new album, Les vents qui ventent. André, Normand and I played 19 festivals, concerts, and workshops in British Columbia, Québec, and France.
The Fall is lining up to be pretty bountiful as well: a Contradance-Friendly Quebec Session Class started September 14th, and I’m taking new students as well for private lessons. In October 10-12, Le Bruit has concerts and workshops at the Rendez-Vous ès TRAD 2014 in Quebec City, as well as a few side concerts in Montreal and the Joliette region. Also in October, the 5th Annual Quebec House Party in Portland (a free, DYI evening of dancing, music, and good times) with caller Suzanne Girardot).
November 5-12, I’ll be hitting the road for a concert tour in California and Oregon, this time with Johnny B. Connolly and Dan Compton–touring a blend of Québécois, Irish, and honking old-time tunes, served up with a side of original compositions and songs.
Add into the mix monthly Quebec and Cajun jams here in Portland. Hope you can make some of these events! Read on for details, and all the best,

5th Annual Quebecois House Party in Portland
Oct. 10: Centre régional d’animation du patrimoine oral (St-Jean-Matha)
Please note that at the time of this newsletter, there are no details posted for the Oct. 10 and 12 dates. Check back soon!
SATURDAY, October 18, 2014 at 8pm:
Based on the informal DYI kitchen tonks I used to go to in Quebec, we’ll be in party mode, with potluck food, snacks, and drink, and visits with good friends. Of course, music is bound to break out of such convivial surroundings, and the dancing is not far behind. We’ll get going at 8pm.
Dancing! Ace callers Suzanne Girardot and Carol Piening will be on hand to guide dancers through the joys of traditional Quebecois quadrilles, squares, reels, brandies and more. Step dancing is welcome and heartily encouraged (please bring your dance board).
Music! You are invited to join in an open band to play for dancing. Bring your instrument along with your dancing shoes! If you are planning to join the band, could you drop me a line to say so? Thanks so much!
NEWS: Suzanne plans to call the 5th and 6th parts of the Valcartier Set. That means reels. Some good reels for those parts of the quadrille would be Wind that Shook the Barley, Sheepskin and Beeswax, Reel St-Joseph, Reel St-Antoine, etc.
Food/Drink It wouldn’t be a party without potluck snacks and drinks, so please bring your special Quebecois dish, or any finger food or drink.
Location! SE Portland. Please contact me for details.
Cost: Free! Tips are happily accepted for the callers, who are traveling from Seattle and Olympia.
Questions: Contact me!
November 2014: Oregon, California Tour
with Johnny Connolly and Dan Compton

Johnny’s been sharing from his vast trove of amazing Irish music, and we’ve been swapping him French-Canadian tunes in return. He has this great Quebecois single-row which he recently got back from its maker in Montmagny (Quebec’s button accordion capital city!) totally refurbished and with a new set of reeds. It’s killer!
This tour is still in the building phase, but here’s what we have so far:
Wednesday, Nov 5: Eugene, OR
Thursday, Nov 6: Ashland, OR
Friday, Nov 7: Berkeley. CA
Saturday, Nov. 8: Santa Cruz, CA
Sunday, Nov 9, San Luis Obispo. CA
Monday, Nov 10: Chico, CA